
1、把文件解压到当前目录下unzip test.zip2、如果要把文件解压到指定的目录下,需要用到-d参数。unzip -d /temp test.zip3、解压的时候,有时候不想覆盖已经存在的文件,那么可以加上-n参数unzip -n test.zipunzip -n -d /temp test.zip4、只看一下zip压缩包中包含哪些文件,不进行解压缩unzip -l test.zip5、查看显示的文件列表还包含压缩比率unzip -v test.zip6、检查zip文件是否损坏unzip

Make The Best of Your Time

We all have 24-hours in a day. But, why does it seem that some people are able to get the most out of every minute of the day? Believe it or not, they don’t have the power to slow down time. They do, however, know how to properly manage th


将压缩文件text.zip在当前目录下解压缩。unzip test.zip将压缩文件text.zip在指定目录/tmp下解压缩,如果已有相同的文件存在,要求unzip命令不覆盖原先的文件。unzip -n test.zip -d /tmp查看压缩文件目录,但不解压。unzip -v test.zip将压缩文件test.zip在指定目录/tmp下解压缩,如果已有相同的文件存在,要求unzip命令覆盖原先的文件。unzip -o test.zip -d tmp/


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Here are the most useful websites on the Internet that will make you smarter, increase productivity and help you learn new skills. These incredibly useful websites solve at least one problem really well.